Submit to the Anthology

Send us your best writing

The Purple Aardvark is accepting submissions from writers or writing with significant connections to Indiana.

We’re looking for writing from the human soul, really good writing about really hard things, writing from your truth, from voices sometimes drowned out by the sound of the planes flying over. We want big truths seeded from those planted among the fields of corn and soybeans, wanting to share their defining life experiences with the rest of the world. Haunt us with those lingering images and stories, the moments that have challenged you, and the meaning that has changed you. Challenge us with your reality, delight us with beautiful turns of phrase, humor us with the unexpected, enthrall us with the voice that only you have to share.

Fees are discounted if you submit early or are a student.

Submission guidelines

You may submit: 

Poetry – up to 3 poems of 59 lines or less

Creative nonfiction/memoir/essay – up to 5,000 words

Fiction (short story) – up to 7,500 words

Micro-essay – up to 800 words

Flash fiction – up to 800 words 

Visual arts – up to 3 grayscale JPG images, at least 300 dpi at 5×8” size

Multiple entries allowed, but you must pay a submission fee for each.

Deadlines and fees

Early submissions (submitted March 15–April 15, 2025): $10

Regular submissions (April 16–May 15): $15

College students: $5

High school students: no fee


Submissions must be double-spaced, 12-point Times New Roman or other standard font, and saved as a Microsoft Word or PDF document with the title of your project. Please remove your name from the name of the document and within the manuscript since our judges will be reading submissions anonymously.

Include a separate cover letter with a title of your project and your bio up to 150 words and a brief explanation of how you or your writing is connected to Indiana. 

COPYRIGHT: By submitting, you affirm that you own the copyright of the material, that it is previously unpublished, that AI was not used in the creation of your submission, and that you are granting Purple Aardvark, LLC first time North American serial rights to print reproduce the work. 

COMPENSATION: Since this is an introductory project, we are unable to offer monetary compensation for the anthology. If your work is accepted, you will receive two printed copies of the anthology, and you will have the opportunity to order additional copies through Purple Aardvark at a 20% discount upon book’s publication. Unlimited copies will be available for anyone to purchase at regular retail price through Amazon.